Percorso:ANSA > Nuova Europa > Cosenza Chamber of Commerce > Chambers of Commerce: Algieri, recognized role of Cosenza

Chambers of Commerce: Algieri, recognized role of Cosenza

"Confirmed Cantinella and Promocosenza"

12 August, 10:04
(ANSA) - COSENZA, 11 AGO - "As President of the Cosenza Chamber of Commerce, I am extremely pleased with the recognition of the role played by our Chamber", the President of the Cosenza Chamber of Commerce Klaus Algieri said in a statement.

"Both Unioncamere and the Minister of Economic Development have recognized the role played by the Chamber of Commerce, sanctioning its autonomy", Algieri added. "In the Plan, our Chamber also confirms Cantinella's decentralized office and the Special agency Promocosenza".

The government's plan reduces Chambers of Commerce from 105 to 60 and Special agencies from 96 to 58. According to Algieri, "this plan produces a saving of 50 million euro per year".


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